Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Canyonlands, UT

The Magnificent Canyonlands.
Canyonlands, The Needles District, was hands down the most unique, surreal and all encompassing beauty I have ever witnessed.On our way to the park, a stunning beehive shaped rock formation, officially called Church Rock, welcomed us into red rock country.  A striking saucer shaped cloud hovered behind the dome.  At this point I was already entering into a new reality of beauty.  This awe was ever furthered as we neared the entrance of the park. I remember thinking "this isn't even the park yet, I can't imagine what lies ahead."
To be honest once we made it to the park I was actually overwhelmed by beauty.  My mind was shattering, my realty was rapidly expanding and I had a sudden urge to spend a great deal of time over the coarse of my life here.
At the campsite, we met up with our friend Wes and Laurie from Glacier and spent four days together hiking, eating and hanging out.  They inspire me.  It was so nice to catch up with them again.
I feel travelers are the happiest people I know.  It took us so long to walk Clovey through the campground because we talked with so many unique people along the way.
These pictures are from the campground at sunrise, sunset and the first two of the three hikes we did.  We hiked thirty miles in three day.  Needless to say, our legs where sore and our bellies hungry! Enjoy.



  1. Dear Sterling and Erika:

    Thank you for the exquisite photos of Utah. My favorite is of your shadows reflected against the rock formation as it reminds me of Peter Pan and Tinkerbelle as she reminds him that he can fly!

    Love you guys....keep me posted on what's going on with you guys.
    Big hug and kiss for Ms.Clovey.

  2. So pretty... you guys look like you had a lot of fun here. The saucer cloud is very cool, they're pretty much only seen in Mountain Ranges so it makes the scenery extra special. That's a lot of hiking too! :) See you guys soon.
